Senate committee of the Hochschule Kaiserslautern

The university’s basic rules stipulate five faculties. The Senate includes: the President as chair, 10 representatives for the professors, 5 representatives for the students, 3 representatives for the academic and non-research employees.

Advisory members include the Deans, provided that they have not already been elected as members, the Vice-President, the Chancellor, and the Senate’s Gender Equality Officer.

The current members in office are:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Schmidt, President

Voting Members:

From the Professors’ group

  • Prof. Dr. Huber and Prof. Dr. Leiner (Faculty for Applied Engineering)
  • Prof. Dr. Peetz and Prof. Dr. Stumm (Faculty for Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences)
  • Prof. Rutrecht and Prof. Dr. vom Ufer (Faculty for Construction and Design)
  • Prof. Dr. Kürble and Prof. Dr. Pohl (Faculty for Business Studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Brill and Prof. Dr. Ingebrandt (Faculty for Computer Science and Microsystems Technology)

From the Students’ group

  • Viktor Koslow (Faculty for Applied Engineering) 
  • Johannes Cammisar (Faculty for Construction and Design)
  • Thomas Ammann (Faculty for Business Studies)
  • Felix-Marcel Petermann (Faculty for Computer Science and Microsystems)

From the Technical and Administrative Assistants and Employees’ group

  • Noemi Donner (Kaiserslautern campus)
  • Christian Schwarz (Pirmasens campus)
  • Carsten Kremb (Zweibrücken campus)

Advisory Members

  • Andrea Stippler (Faculty for Applied Logistics and Polymer Sciences)
  • Mr. Becker, Chancellor
  • Prof. Dr. Monz-Lüdecke, central Gender Equality Officer

Deans of the Faculties

  • Prof. Dr. Reiner, Applied Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Lang, Construction and Design

Teilnahme an den Sitzungen

Die Gremien tagen in der Regel hochschulöffentlich, sodass Sie mit Vorabanmeldung per Mail an herzlich eingeladen sind, den Sitzungen zuzuhören.


Die Protokolle der Senatssitzungen seit Sommersemester 2012 sind im Intranet hinterlegt.

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M.A. Linda Wittig

Referentin der Hochschulleitung | Sitzungsmanagement

Seher Tuncay

Assistentin der Hochschulleitung | Sitzungsmanagement