Germline ancestry influences the evolutionary disease course in lung adenocarcinomas
Schenk, Alina; López, Saioa; Kschischo, Maik et al. -
Structural Invertibility and Optimal Sensor Node Placement for Error and Input Reconstruction in Dynamic Systems
Kahl, Dominik; Wendland, Philipp; Neidhardt, Matthias et al. -
A Bayesian approach to estimating hidden variables as well as missing and wrong molecular interactions in ordinary differential equation-based mathematical models
Engelhardt, Benjamin; Kschischo, Maik; Fröhlich, Holger -
How data assimilation helps to illuminate complex biology
Kschischo, Maik -
How data assimilation helps to illuminate complex biology : the dynamic elastic-net
Kschischo, Maik; Engelhardt, Benjamin; Froehlich, Holger -
Modelling and mathematical analysis of the M_2 receptor-dependent joint signalling and secondary messenger network in CHO cells
Engelhardt, Benjamin; Holze, Janine; Elliot, Christina et al. -
DNA replication stress mediates APOBEC3 family mutagenesis in breast cancer
Kanu, Nnennaya; Cerone, Maria Antonietta; Goh, Gerald et al. -
Learning (from) the errors of a systems biology model
Engelhardt, Benjamin; Frőhlich, Holger; Kschischo, Maik -
Mathematical Modelling of Cation Transport and Regulation in Yeast
Kahm, Matthiasé; Kschischo, Maik -
Membrane Transport in Yeast : an Introduction
Kschischo, Maik; Ramos, José; Sychrová, Hana -
The Subclonal Architecture of Metastatic Breast Cancer : Results from a Prospective Community-Based Rapid Autopsy Program “CASCADE”
Savas, Peter; Teo, Zhi Ling; Lefevre, Christophe et al. -
Yeast Membrane Transport
Ramos, José; Sychrová, Hana; Kschischo, Maik -
The putative oncogene CEP72 inhibits the mitotic function of BRCA1 and induces chromosomal instability
Lüddecke, S.; Ertych, N.; Stenzinger, A. et al. -
Chromosomal instability selects gene copy-number variants encoding core
regulators of proliferation in ER+ breast cancer
Endesfelder, David; Burrell, Rebecca A.; Kanu, Nnennaya et al. -
Expression of regulators of mitotic fidelity are associated with intercellular heterogeneity and chromosomal instability in primary breast cancer
Roylance, Rebecca; Endesfelder, David; Jamal-Hanjani, Mariam et al. -
Role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Trk1 in stabilization of intracellular potassium content upon changes in external potassium levels
Herrera, Rito; Álvarez, Mariá C.; Gelis, Samuel et al. -
Systems Biology of Monovalent Cation Homeostasis in Yeast : the Translucent Contribution
Ariño, Joaquín; Aydar, Ebru; Drulhe, Samuel et al. -
LRIG1 regulates cadherin-dependent contact inhibition directing epithelial homeostasis and pre-invasive squamous cell carcinoma development
Lu, Liwen; Teixeira, Vitor H.; Yuan, ZhengQiang et al. -
Replication stress links structural and numerical chromosomal instability in colorectal cancer
Burrell, Rebecca A.; McClelland, Sarah E.; Endesfelder, David et al. -
CERT depletion predicts chemotherapy benefit and mediates cytotoxic and polyploid-specific cancer cell death through autophagy induction
Lee, Alvin J. X.; Roylance, Rebecca; Sander, Jil et al. -
How dynamical models can learn from the data : an example with a simplified ENSO model
Paeth, Heiko; Lindenberg, Janna; Kschischo, Maik et al. -
Potassium starvation in yeast : mechanisms of homeostasis revealed by mathematical modeling
Kahm, Matthias; Navarrete, Clara; Llopis-Torregrosa, Vicent et al. -
A breast cancer meta-analysis of two expression measures of chromosomal instability reveals a relationship with younger age at diagnosis and high risk histopathological variables
Endesfelder, David; McGranahan, Nicholas; Birkbak, Nicolai Juul et al. -
Chromosomal instability confers intrinsic multidrug resistance
Lee, Alvin J. X.; Endesfelder, David; Rowan, Andrew J. et al. -
Relationship of extreme chromosomal instability with superior long-term survival in a retrospective analysis of ER-negative primary breast cancer
Roylance, Rebecca; Endesfelder, David; Gorman, Patricia et al. -
A gentle introduction to the thermodynamics of biochemical stoichiometric networks in steady state
Kschischo, Maik -
Grofit : fitting biological growth curves with R
Kahm, Matthias; Hasenbrink, Guido; Lichtenberg-Fraté, Hella et al. -
Chromosomal Instability Determines Taxane Response
Swanton, Charles; Nicke, Barbara; Schuett, Marion et al. -
K+-flux measurements across the plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using potassium selective electrodes and Microelectrode Flux Estimation (MIFE)
Ludwig, Jost; Shabala, Lana; Mpangara, Anja et al. -
Ring test assessment of the mKir2.1 growth based assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
using parametric models and model-free fits
Hasenbrink, Guido; Kolácná, Lucie; Ludwig, Jost et al. -
Stochastische Signalkaskaden mit Rückkopplung
Kschischo, Maik -
Automatic Scoring and Quality Assessment Using Accuracy Bounds for FP-TDI SNP Genotyping Data
Kschischo, Maik; Kern, Rainer; Gieger, Christian et al. -
Toward an accurate statistics of gapped alignments
Kschischo, Maik; Lässig, Michael; Yu, Yi-Kuo -
Target Specificity Analysis of the Abl Kinase using Peptide Microarray Data
Rychlewski, Leszek; Kschischo, Maik; Dong, Liying et al. -
Managing biological knowledge using text clustering and feature extraction
Kschischo, Maik; Gieger, Christian -
Finite Temperature Sequence Alignment
Kschischo, Maik; Lässig, Michael -
Flux of Particles in Sawtooth Media
Schimansky-Geier, Lutz; Kschischo, Maik; Fricke, Thomas