Action approach for prevention and intervention of cyberbullying
In classes with cyberbullying, a climate of discrimination prevails; democracy as a way of life is called into question on a daily basis. Often, the law of the strongest applies. Educational content such as dealing with diversity, education for tolerance and compassion are difficult to teach in such classes. Our handbook is intended to contribute to making democracy and the rule of law more tangible in classes, to effectively protect children and young people, and to enable them to develop in a prosocial manner.
Details of the individual chapters
From bullying to cyberbullying
Chapter 2 deals with explanations of terms and background knowledge on the topic of bullying, cyberbullying and (cyber)mobbing. In particular, the dynamics of bullying and the specifics of bullying with digital means are discussed.
Four cyberbullying case histories
Chapter 3 describes four cases of cyberbullying from practice. They show in a concise form how to proceed with cyberbullying with the help of Systemic Conflict Management.
Intervention methods
In chapter 4 we present two intervention methods, the successfully scientifically evaluated Systemic Bullying Intervention (SMI) and the widely field-tested Systemic Brief Intervention (SKI).
Systemic conflict management
In chapter 5, Systemic Conflict Management (SCM) is described in detail as a component of school development with goals, measures and sub-processes. You will learn how to elicit the severity of a case and how to find and implement the appropriate interventions. The intervention methods described in chapter 4 are embedded in this. At the end of the chapter, you will receive a quick reference guide that you can refer to in an emergency.
Nele - a case history
Chapter 6 describes a fifth cyberbullying case ("The Case of Nele"). In it, the case and the procedure using Systemic Conflict Management are described in detail. Especially for readers in a hurry, it is recommended to read this case history first, before they intensively deal with the basics of SCM in chapter 5. In chapter 6, they will learn how things can go well in practice, based on the case study, in order to find out in chapter 5 on what conceptual background this is done.
Pedagogical action
Chapter 7 deals with the overall pedagogical framework. All knowledge of dealing with cyberbullying must not obscure the fact that an intervention will only have a lasting effect if it is based on a pedagogical foundation. This includes the courage to lead, sovereignty and a focus on needs, a clear orientation toward values and norms, the promotion of personal competencies, especially the ability to self-direct, the embedding of methods in a culture of motivation and relationships, and the promotion of emotional empathy and compassion. This list is extensive and sounds demanding - in chapter 7 it is filled with life.
Practical projects for prevention work
Chapter 8 contains ten practical projects for prevention work in classes or groups on cyberbullying. These projects can be implemented without extensive preparation. Teachers, school administrators, specialists in school social work and school psychology, prevention officers, and trainers from schools, youth welfare services, and the police receive methodological-didactic tips and background information for purely preventive work.
In all chapters you will find working materials to support your practical work, which you can download here:
Who developed the action concept?
The action concept was developed in close cooperation with :
Conflict CULTURE has existed since 1997 and is a comprehensive, scientifically based and evaluated prevention and training program. As a multi-level program, it involves individual children and adolescents, the class/group level, and the school/institutional level.
sys.paed has set itself the task of training pedagogical professionals in schools and youth welfare in innovative democratic pedagogical prevention and intervention concepts. sys.paed conducts social trainings and workshops with classes, offers lectures and advanced trainings and organizes pedagogical days.