News Archive News Archive 2023202220212019:Page 1Page 2Page 3…Page report: Games apps risky for children12/18/2019Together with Stiftung Warentest, tested 14 child-friendly game apps. The detailed results and risk descriptions are now available in the form of a report.Read onNEW: Teaching material "Cosmos YouTube12/17/2019The new klicksafe teaching material "Kosmos YouTube" was developed in cooperation with Handysektor. It is now available for download. The print version will be available for order at the end of January.Read onFederal Review Board for Media Harmful to Young People Publishes Hazard Atlas12/13/2019Based on the reality of media use by children and young people, the newly published Hazard Atlas provides orientation on media phenomena, the associated hazards and, where appropriate, development opportunities for children and young people, and classifies the challenges to the protection of minors from the point of view of children's rights.Read onMy first Internet ABC: hands-on booklet for children and accompanying booklet for teachers12/10/2019The materials from Internet-ABC are suitable for the first playful introduction to the Internet. The booklets can now also be ordered from klicksafe!Read onJUUUPORT offers weekly live chat consultation12/09/2019The online counseling platform offers a live chat every Thursday from 18:00 - 20:00.Read onGerman Children's Fund launches campaign on how to deal with children's photos in social media12/04/2019The new social media campaign #DenkenFragenPosten (ThinkQuestionsPost) from the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (German Children's Fund) addresses children's personal rights in social media. Educators are to be made aware of their children's right of co-determination when they share their photos online.Read onSearch instead of google11/26/2019What search engines besides Google can be used in school? Find out here which alternative search engines we recommend for the classroom.Read onDieter Baacke Award Winner 2019 - Outstanding Media Education11/20/2019Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) award prizes to media education projectsRead onChildren spreading pornography in group chats without any concern11/19/2019The Federal Criminal Police Office draws attention to the fact that depictions of violence and abuse are increasingly being spread by children and young people in WhatsApp chat groups. The young users are often not aware of the criminal liability.Read onRegister now for Safer Internet Day 2020!11/18/2019You can now enter your actions and events for Safer Internet Day on 11.2.2020 on our website. We will then publish this information online and in press releases to draw attention to your Safer Internet Day action and commitment.NEW: What is my child actually doing on YouTube?11/14/2019Why does my child spend so much time on YouTube? What is so fascinating about YouTube stars and which videos are hot among young people? In the new booklet for parents, klicksafe provides information about video trends, YouTube stars and co.Read onVALUES LIFE - ONLINE: Topic module "Private things stay private - don't post this!11/12/2019The new topic module of WERTE LEBEN - ONLINE deals with data protection & Online privacy. Young people are informed about the consequences of data misuse and privacy violations and given tips on how to deal safely with their own and other people's data online. The associated webinar is available free of charge to school classes and youth groups.Read onICILS study: One third of students susceptible to fake news11/08/2019The University of Paderborn recently presented the results of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS). In an international comparison, students and schools in Germany perform mediocre.Read onEDUCATIONAL MEDIA AWARD 201911/05/2019Apps, games and websites honored with media pedagogical sealRead onPediatricians and adolescents demand: No cell phone before eleven years10/31/2019Many newspapers and news portals are currently reporting on a demand by the professional association of pediatricians and adolescents. It says that children should not have their own cell phone before the age of eleven. Many parents wonder whether this demand is still realistic today.Read on2019:Page 1Page 2Page 3…Page 6 Share Page: