October: European Cyber Security Action Month 2020
Under the auspices of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security ( ENISA ), the member states of the European Union offer various events and information during Action Month to raise awareness of cyber security among citizens, companies and organizations. Last year, more than 100 partners from all over Germany carried out around 200 actions.
In Germany, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI for Citizens) coordinates and supports Action Month. As the coordinator of Action Month in Germany, the BSI has already been able to recruit many organizations and institutions as partners. Over the next four weeks, they will all be addressing the topic of Internet security in webinars, video series or awareness campaigns. An overview of all the campaigns registered so far in Germany can be found on the BSI website. Participation in European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is still possible.
Information on opportunities to participate in ECSM can be found on the BSI's campaign website.
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