Research by jugendschutz.netCosmetic surgery - teens come under pressure on social media

Whether in lifestyle articles or beauty tips - the appearance of the body is often the focus of social media posts by creators. These often have a reach in the millions and set trends. For children and young people, they serve as role models they can follow and emulate. conducted a brief search on the platforms TikTok, Instagram and YouTube using relevant hashtags to look for posts on cosmetic procedures and found posts on a wide range of treatments.

The content of mainly German-language content creators was examined and evaluated in terms of its potential impact, particularly on children and young people.

The variety of treatments shown is large and ranges from surgical procedures such as breast augmentation to minor cosmetic corrections and tooth bleaching. was not able to identify any violation of the protection of minors during its research. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that such content has a negative impact on the masses. Especially on the development of a healthy self-image of children and young people.