Data Protection Media Award DAME 2022These are the winners of the Data Privacy Media Award 2022
This year, the DAME Data Privacy Media Award was presented for the sixth time. It was initiated by the Professional Association of Data Protection Officers in Germany (BvD). In the meantime, the Data Privacy Media Award DAME is continued by the non-profit GmbH privacy4people. On May 9, 2023, the three winners from a total of 42 submissions were announced.
These are the award winners of the DAME 2022
Winners in the 2022 competition
Sabrina Ebitsch, Berit Kruse, Sophie Menner, Sead Mujic, Leonie Rothacker, Marie-Louise Timcke, Dominik Wierl and David Wünschel with the article "What Google knows about us"
Google owns what is probably the most valuable treasure trove of data in the world: the collected thoughts of billions of people. The company stores the most personal data of its users. What Google knows about us, how the company uses this knowledge and what power it thus has over us, becomes clear in this article. The prize money for the winner of the 2022 competition is 3000 euros.
Best contribution Youth 2022
Andrina Schmid and Samuel Wetter with the short film "Together for privacy. So you have more time to play soccer."
In the entertaining video clip, we get to know Max - with all his preferences, his buying behavior and his activities on the Internet. The story about Max addresses the issue of profiling. Profiling involves collecting information about a person and using it to make predictions about future behavior. The fact that this is a problem that concerns everyone is summarized again in text at the end. The more time you spend online, the better the media get at specifically enticing you to stay online even longer. The prize money for the best Youth 2022 entry is 1500 euros.
Best post audio 2022
Sabina Wolf with the audio report "Der Funkstreifzug: Identitätsdiebstahl über Jobportale"
Cyber criminals are on the move with a new dangerous scam: They forge job ads and post them on online job portals. Applicants upload their personal data and become victims of identity theft. Those affected often only notice the data theft when police investigate them. BR reporter Sabina Wolf spoke with victims and reports in a compact audio report on how applicants can protect themselves on job exchanges. The cross-media production was created for the editorial department of ARD report München, under the leadership of editors Stefan Meinung and Lisa Wreschniok. The material was used to produce the award-winning audio report for Funkstreifzug with editor Ina Krauss. The prize money for the best Audio 2022 contribution is 1500 euros.
Further information on the Data Privacy Media Prize
In order to give the young target group a voice in this important topic, a youth juror was involved in the jury process last year with the EU initiative klicksafe. This year, student Eric Hohenadel is once again involved and is paying particular attention to the entries for children and young people.
Other jury members are Frederick Richter, Chairman of the Data Protection Foundation, Barbara Thiel, Marion Zinkeler, State Commissioner for Data Protection in Lower Saxony, Birgit Kimmel and Stefanie Rack from the EU initiative klicksafe, Tobias Meisel from the DATEV Foundation Future, Wolfgang Stückemann and Lars Kolan, Chairman of the German Donations Council, and last year's DAME winner, film director Hans Block.
The call for entries for the DAME 2023 will start in summer 2023.