klicksafe in an interview with hr-iNFO NetzweltThe case of Fynn Kliemann - how credible are influencers?
The role of influencers in the lives of children and young people
Close, authentic, credible - for the success of influencers, it is important that they give their community a seemingly sincere insight into their lives. For young people in particular, they are important role models today. They help people find out who they are and what kind of worldview they want to represent. Social media make it possible for children and young people to "talk" to their idols through likes and comments. Influencers are therefore not unreachable stars, but act like "good friends. It is not always clear whether there are commercial intentions behind individual posts. This is also shown by the case of Fynn Kliemann. He became a popular influencer and eventually a businessman. He had hit the zeitgeist with his appearance, as he stood for social and climate policy issues. ZDF Magazin Royal 's research has now called his credibility into question. This triggered a general debate about influencers*.
klicksafe in the hr-iNFO Netzwelt podcast
The current episode of the hr-iNFO Netzwelt podcast also discusses the credibility of influencers. With them are:
- Anne-Kristin Langner, Professor for Social Media
- Florian Hager, Director General of Hessischer Rundfunk
- Birgit Kimmel, coordinator of the EU initiative klicksafe
You can find the hr-iNFO Netzwelt podcast in the ARD audio library.
What should be discussed with children and young people right now?
- It is not always easy for children and young people to recognize advertising by influencers. Talk to young people about how influencers actually earn money. Our klicksafe infographic can help. A guide from the Medienanstalten also contains an overview of the labeling requirements for advertising.
- Influencers are important idols for young people. Let us show you which influencers are currently important in the lives of young people. In this way, you can find out what is on your child's or student's mind at the moment. It also allows you to address issues that may be problematic.
- Influencers play a major role in shaping the opinions of children and young people today. It happens that influencers also convey problematic world views. For example, when it comes to political opinions. It is important that adolescents learn to examine and classify opinions. In the klicksafe material Kosmos YouTube you will find a lesson plan.