Pornography, hate speech, sexual violenceReport illegal content quickly and anonymously
Where can I report illegal content?
In Germany, there are two addresses you can contact with your complaint:
It makes no difference which of the two complaint offices you use. The hotlines are connected and your complaint will be processed as quickly as possible.
What content can be reported?
In general, you can report anything you consider illegal or harmful to minors. lists the following categories in its reporting form: Child and youth pornography, pornography, political extremism, violence, self-harm, cyberbullying, sexual harassment, apps/games, advertising/cost traps.
On, you can choose between different finding sites. These include, for example: file sharing, chat, mobile content and newsgroups.
If none of the categories fits your message, that's no problem. You can simply describe in your own words why you think the content is problematic in the free text field.
What happens to my message?
Each complaint is first examined by specialists. They assess whether the content violates criminal law or youth protection laws. If this is the case, further steps are taken. Criminal content is reported to the Federal Criminal Police Office.
In order to have content harmful to minors removed from the Internet, the hotlines have various options at their disposal. In doing so, they cooperate nationally and internationally with many partner organizations. More information on the complaint procedure can be found on the websites of and
Any complaint can be made anonymously. However, you can also leave your e-mail address so that can answer any queries you may have or keep you informed about the further progress of your complaint.
Why shouldn't I just report illegal content to the providers?
Large platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and YouTube often have their own reporting systems for illegal content and content harmful to minors. And it's important to use them if they work well. However, there are some good reasons to use the online form of a reporting system.
Fast and anonymous if desired
Many reporting systems are complicated and incomprehensible. This can lead to users giving up in frustration before they even submit their report. The reporting forms of the complaints offices are simple and limited to the bare essentials. They can also be used without providing personal information.
Better results when deleting
There are indications that reports to operators are taken less seriously. An evaluation by Project SafeNet shows that it makes an extreme difference who reports hate speech. Through regular reporting channels, only half of illegal content was deleted. Reports from complaint boards were also processed significantly faster than regular reports.
More options for enforcing the law
Where private individuals quickly reach their limits, hotlines have significantly more opportunities to enforce the deletion of illegal content. They know the legal situation, have legal advice and can find out who is responsible for the content. They are also networked nationally and internationally to enforce the law with the help of partners. Even if platforms refuse to cooperate.
Who runs the complaint offices?
The German complaint offices are operated by, eco - Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V. and Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V. (FSM). They form the so-called hotlines of the Safer Internet Centre DE, which is coordinated by klicksafe.
Together with partner organizations, the German hotlines can have illegal content deleted or blocked. In Germany, for example, the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM), the Federal Agency for the Protection of Children and Young People in the Media (BzKJ) and the Federal Criminal Police Office provide assistance. Internationally, the German hotlines are also networked with INHOPE (International Association of Internet Hotlines) and INACH (International Network Against Cyber Hate).