Apply now for the TOMMI 2021!
The German Children's Software Award celebrates its 20th birthday. Every year, the TOMMI honors publishers of games and educational software for PCs and consoles, apps, electronic toys, digital preschool programs and websites. The award ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 24, 2021, at 20:00 live on KiKA in the media magazine "Team Timster".
What can publishers submit in 2021?
Games and educational software for PC and console, apps, electronic toys, digital preschool offerings and websites can be submitted. Publishers are now submitting products for the categories of apps, electronic toys, educational software, PC and console games. The age limit is USK 6. Games with USK 12 will also be awarded in a new separate category. Entry forms and conditions of participation can be found online. The deadline for publishers is August 9, 2021.
Children's jury 2021 wanted
Once again, children between the ages of six and 14 can apply for the Children's Jury. The participating libraries in Germany and Switzerland are looking for children who would like to test and evaluate the nominated games. To apply for the children's jury, please contact the participating libraries.
TOMMI Kindergarten Award 2021
For the second time, kindergartens are being sought that have developed innovative and proven concepts for the use of digital media in daycare centers. The award is endowed with 1,500 euros. The award is supported and organized by the Auerbach Foundation and Prof. Dr. Aufenanger from the University of Mainz. Conditions of participation and the deadline for the award can be found online.
Further information