New: My first Internet ABC ONLINE
The materials offer many starting points for talking with students about their media experiences and their media use. In this way, school classes can approach the topic of "media" in a playful way. As a supplement to and in preparation for the Internet ABC learning modules, which already impart targeted, skills-oriented basic knowledge to students in grades 3-6, the hands-on materials are designed to initially introduce children to certain topics and sensitize them in their dealings with media, so that they learn to classify certain situations or content they encounter in their everyday media lives.
The frame story of the participatory story is a journey of discovery through "Mediapolys." Within this city, there are various interactive stations. Here, the children can learn about media, media use and related topics such as data protection and privacy through various scenes and small exercises. The four mascots Eddie, Percy, Flizzy and Jumpy accompany the children through the stations. At the end of the year, there will also be a third station where children can learn more about advertising.
The online module offers a choice of two game modes. The story can be played either in a school context together with the teacher or at home with parents and grandparents. Note: It is important that the children do not play and work through the story alone, but always with support, just like the participatory booklet. In this way, the children are brought into the intended content-related exchange and dialogue through the accompaniment and suggestions of the adults. Teachers and parents can use icons to display instructions for working with the individual scenes. It is also possible to use the hands-on story at home in the family without any school context at all.
In addition to the hands-on story, a reference PDF has been created that can be accessed in the teachers' area. Teachers can find suggestions and tips there for working with the story. A letter to parents provides information on the project and the objectives of the hands-on story.
- Internet-ABC: Info page on the hands-on story for parents
- Internet-ABC: Info page on the interactive story for teachers
- Internet-ABC: Info page on the join-in story for children
More on the topic
- The hands-on booklet "My first Internet ABC" for children and the accompanying booklet for teachers are available as print and download versions in the klicksafe ordering system.
- Teaching materials for primary and secondary schools are available at klicksafe for educators.
- klicksafe article: Start the new school year media literate!
- klicksafe article: New handout for the start of the school year: