klicksafe actionbound at the Media Literacy Week 2021

Do fake news and conspiracy narratives stand a chance with you? - Young people learn to debunk conspiracy narratives and fake news in the Actionbound game "In the Bunker of Lies". As part of the Media Literacy Week Rhineland-Palatinate #WMKRLP21, klicksafe is releasing a special edition of the game for school classes and youth groups nationwide.

Players have already immersed themselves in the "Bunker of Lies" more than 2,000 times to get to the bottom of fake news and conspiracy stories.Now school classes and youth groups can play the special edition of the Actionbound game for Media Literacy Week from July 5 to 11, 2021 , and enter the competition.The three best groups* will be rewarded with a grant for the class/group treasury (1st place: 10 euros per young person*, 2nd and 3rd place: 5 euros each per young person*). Participation in the competition is voluntary and there is no right of appeal.


If you would like to take part in the competition with your class or group, please register them by 6 July bysending an e-mail to faechner⁠☞ Please insert an @ here ☜⁠medienanstalt-rlp⁠☞ Please insert a dot here ☜⁠de. Please include the name and location of your school/institution and the participating group (e.g. 8c Otto-Muster-Gymnasium Musterhausen). NO personal data of the young people will be collected.

The interactive game for young people is played with the free app "Actionbound". At Info sheet (PDF) you can find more information about Actionbound (content, duration, technical requirements, i.e. download of the Actionbound app as well as access to the game via QR code).

*Highest score as well as consent to participate in the competition and prior registration by a teacher. Only one prize is possible per class, in case of equal points the lot decides.

Further information

More information, quizzes and other materials on the topic: