Join now!Creative competition for students on the topic of data protection

The initiative "Data Privacy Goes to School" has launched a nationwide creative competition. Creative slogans or icons that promote data privacy will be awarded. There are class cash grants, cameras and headphones to be won. Students can submit their ideas until April 30, 2022.

The initiative "Data Privacy Goes to School" wants to bring the topic of data privacy into classrooms in a playful and creative way with the new competition and asks: What do students think of on the topic of data privacy - whether it's a slogan, icon or design? The most creative ideas will be awarded prizes, published and produced in large numbers as stickers for giveaways.

Participation is possible as a class or as an individual. For classes, participation is particularly suitable for project work accompanying lessons. Together with the teachers, data protection and data security can be discussed in order to collect ideas and designs. Ideas can be submitted as PDFs by e-mail to kreativwettbewerb⁠☞ Please insert an @ here ☜⁠dsgzs⁠☞ Please insert a dot here ☜⁠de by April 30, 2022

In addition to the publication of the creative achievements, the three winning school classes will each win 300 euros for their class coffers. The three winners of individual entries will each win an instant camera and a pair of headphones.

All information on the creative competition can be found at: