"Already switched off today? Find your digital balance"New klicksafe working material by young people for young people

There are lots of exciting things to discover online - and screen time is skyrocketing... The new support material for the media scouts' peer-to-peer work offers help. With it, students can consider together in class what digital balance means to them. And how they can avoid smartphones and other devices becoming a stress factor.

How much time do you spend on your smartphone and what does digital wellbeing actually mean? The new accompanying material for peer-to-peer work encourages the class to work together on the topic of "digital balance. The accompanying material was created in cooperation with the media scouts from the Norf Comprehensive School in Neuss.

The klicksafe video spot "Gleich" ("Equal") serves as a discussion opener. With the help of the ReSeT test from the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW (Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia ), the participants then raise their awareness of their own screen time. Research tasks and role plays highlight the risks of digital media. The accompanying material also shows the possibilities for healthy media use. Those who want to can also try three different mindfulness exercises. For this, the smartphone can be confidently put aside.

The new accompanying material is now available for download and for ordering in the klicksafe material system.

More info and materials on digital wellbeing