"What to do in case of (cyber)bullying": klicksafe training goes into the third round!

(Cyber)bullying can become a serious burden for children and young people. Often, those affected do not manage to free themselves from such a psychologically stressful situation without help. Especially in the context of schools, the question therefore often arises as to how professionals can deal with bullying, both preventively and actively, when bullying occurs. The klicksafe teachers' handbook "What to do in case of (cyber)bullying?" offers basic information, suggestions for practice and introduces systemic conflict management. In July, klicksafe, together with the participating authors Thomas Grüner and Jürgen Schmidt, is offering two modules on the topic of bullying as a full-day online training course for the third time.

The progressive digitization of children's and young people's worlds - here in particular the phenomena of (cyber)bullying and sexual violence -  poses particular challenges for pedagogy and social work. Thus, the question in schools is not whether there are conflicts escalating in a hostile manner, but rather what pedagogical concept is used to deal with them: How can conflicts be used for social learning, democratic communities be strengthened, and bullying, radicalization and misanthropy be effectively and sustainably countered?

What is needed in schools and youth welfare is conflict management that is the responsibility of interprofessional teams. It involves all parties involved in the conflict as well as other relevant actors, such as parents, youth welfare offices and the police, promotes educational partnership, and establishes and strengthens the educational mission of the school. One of the main focuses is on establishing and securing democratic conditions in the everyday living space of the school and the class community.

Based on the teaching material "What to do in the event of (cyber) bullying klicksafe, together with the participating authors Thomas Grüner and Jürgen Schmidt, offers two full-day online training courses on the topic of (cyber)bullying:

  • Module 1 on "The System of Bullying - The Dynamics of Bullying Processes" will take place on Monday, July 12, 2021 from 9:00-16:00.
  • Module 2, focusing on "The Simplex Model of Systemic Conflict Management," will be held on Monday, July 26, 2021 from 9:30am-4:30pm.

Both modules are aimed at teachers and professionals in school education and educational work, as well as those active in school social work, school psychology and police prevention work, who would like to gain insight into the dynamics of inhuman escalating conflict events, especially in (cyber)bullying processes and their treatment with a systemic conflict management concept, in schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for Module 1 and Module 2 is closed.

Participation is free of charge. The participant limit is 50 participants* in each case.

  • All information about the content, speakers and registration is available here.

Information on the teacher's guide "What to do in case of (cyber)bullying?" as well as much more information, materials and tips on the topic of bullying and cyberbullying can be found inour topic area https://www.klicksafe.de/themen/kommunizieren/cyber-mobbing/.