Let's talk about porn!

Material for pedagogical practice

DIN A4 138 Pages


Published by: klicksafe together with the Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg and pro familia Bayern

Target Group: Educators


Please note: The handbook will be published in a revised edition in January 2024. Until then, you can still download the updated 2018 edition here.

Youth sexuality, Internet, pornography
Nude photos and porn are nowadays virtually freely available to young people via the Internet. But much of this sexualized media content can unsettle and overwhelm adolescents. The klicksafe material, which was developed in cooperation with pro familia Bayern and the Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg, provides background information for teachers and specialists as well as concrete modules for lessons and youth work. The booklet is divided into four modules: 1. life in puberty, 2. ideals of beauty in our society, 3. pornography on the net, and 4. sexualized communication. The book also includes practical materials and methodological suggestions, for example, on how young people can learn to deal with the media pressure to be physically attractive and "sexy.

Additional materials

Building block 1: What is normal?

Module 2: Am I beautiful? Am I sexy?

Building Block 3: All porn, or what?

Building block 4: "That guy is full of porn"

Further Materials of this Series