Ommm online - How we increase our digital well-being

Material for pedagogical practice

DIN A4 40 Pages


Published by: klicksafe together with handysektor

Target Group: Educators

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Who hasn't experienced this: We actually wanted to put the smartphone away a long time ago, but we're still glued to our devices, which constantly demand our attention. The pull of the digital is getting stronger and stronger, and many of us - as well as young people - are finding it increasingly difficult to control it. The aim of the new teaching material from klicksafe in cooperation with Handysektor is therefore to educate about the strategies of providers as well as the appeal of social media, and to give young people tools with which they can regulate technologies and thus increase their digital well-being. This also includes creating a healthy balance in media and technology use and, for example, abstaining from media for a time.

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