Barcamp - Together for a better internet
Wednesday, 8th of February 2023
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Hupfeldstr. 8
34121 Kassel
Target Group(s)
Young people
State Education Authority for the District and City of Kassel / Kassel Media Center
IMPORTANT: Registration is not yet possible. The registration link will follow shortly.
For this year's "Safer Internet Day", a two-part bar camp will take place on February 8 at the Media Center Kassel:
09:00 am - 12:00 pm interested students of the upper school can participate in the event as a whole course or class (with supervisor). In this case, registration is done by the accompanying teacher.
14:00 - 17:00 interested teachers can participate in the event.
For both target groups there is the possibility to either participate in thematically prepared offers or to enrich the event with own questions, offers or inputs. More about the format of a bar camp here(