Bridging impairments by means of media
Online action
Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
11:00 - 12:30
99096 Erfurt
Target Group(s)
Adults, implicitly seniors
Mail to aktiv☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mitmedien☞ Please insert a dot here ☜net
In the meantime, everything is becoming "smart": In addition to the telephone ("smartphone"), there are smart watches, televisions ("smart TV") and even smart electricity meters ("smart meters").
The intelligence of these devices is open to debate. But what they often bring along are facilitations and aids for people with impairments.
In the course of this, Mr. Steinke (consumer advocate and expert 60+ at VERBRAUCHER INITIATIVE and coordinator of the Digital Stammtische at will tell us about the follow-up project of the Digital Kompass in cooperation with the project Aktiv mit Medien - Medienmentor*innen für Senior*innen.
Registration at: aktiv☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mitmedien☞ Please insert a dot here ☜net
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