Cybergrooming - Sexualized violence against children and young people in digital spaces
Online workshop
Tuesday, 14th of February 2023
17:00 - 19:00
50676 Cologne
Target Group(s)
Young people
Experts / professional audience
closed event
Cybergrooming describes the initiation of sexual violence against minors on the Internet. Perpetrators come into contact with adolescents on popular platforms such as TikTok and Instagram or in video games such as Minecraft and Fortnite. Parents and educators should make children and adolescents aware of the dangers of cybergrooming at an early stage and support them in protecting themselves from and defending themselves against sexual violence online. During the event, Rebecca Michl-Krauß, media literacy officer at the EU initiative klicksafe, will give participants an overview of the topic of cybergrooming and introduce them to important contact points and materials for practical work.
Further information: