Free parent evenings of the media-educational adviser network Bavaria

Parents' evening

Monday to Thursday, 6th to 16th of February 2023

80634 Munich

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2023, Stiftung Medienpädagogik Bayern is organizing around 40 parents' evenings of the Medienpädagogisches Referentennetzwerk Bayern throughout Bavaria. The free information events on topics such as cyber bullying, fake news or social media are offered in face-to-face and online formats with financial support from the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM). With this campaign, the foundation wants to draw attention to the importance of media education work and parents' great need for information on media education.

Since June 2012, the Media Education Speaker Network Bavaria has been supporting Bavarian educational institutions such as daycare centers, schools and family centers in planning and holding media education information events and providing speakers for presentations free of charge. There is a choice of parent evenings on media use by children under 3 to 6 years of age, 6 to 10 year-olds and 10 to 14 year-olds. As an additional offer, there are three information events in plain language. Interested educational institutions can request a parents' evening at
The Medienpädagogische Referentennetzwerk Bayern is supported by the Bavarian State Chancellery.

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