Online family evening for Safer Internet Day 2023

Online action

Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
18:00 - 20:00

Steinbrink 3
38122 Brunswick

Target Group(s)

Experts / professional audience
Journalists / Media

On the international Safer Internet Day, 07.02.2023, the youth protection of the city of Braunschweig and the media coordination of the city, in cooperation with the police inspection invites to a free online family evening.
Starting at 6:00 p.m., experts will be available to answer questions on topics such as: Cyberbullying, computer games, dealing with social media or disinformation/fake news.
In addition to parents and multipliers, the event is also expressly aimed at children (from primary school age) and young people. The evening offers the opportunity to ask questions or get tips on all areas of digital media. Special topics can also be discussed with the experts, if necessary in separate online rooms. Registration is not necessary, access is available on the site:, here you can also leave questions in advance, which will be answered during the evening.

Further information: