Tuesday to Thursday, 7th to 9th of February 2023
10:00 - 18:00
Westerstraße 63
24955 Harrislee
Target Group(s)
Free registration (until 03.02.2023) by e-mail kontakt☞ Please insert an @ here ☜scomis☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de
Children #OnlineAmLimit between smartphone & computer and the rest of the world.
We show ways of dealing with the "OnlineAmLimit" life within a family.
What can parents do and how can parents and children find a way in everyday life?
We help to adjust the time windows of media use and protect the personal data of your children, your family.
How can time-outs be implemented and where can I find the mental balance to the #OnlineAmLimit life.
A workshop with a positive outcome...
Registration for the free workshop must be made by mail by 03.02.2023. There are limited seats available.
More information: https://www.scomis.de