Online discussion on Kialo Edu: Feeling "comfortable" digitally

Online action

Thursday to Friday, 2nd to 10th of February 2023

Rombergstraße 37
49377 Vechta

Target Group(s)

Experts / Professional audience



Current media have reached the "last corners" of our society. Access to the infrastructure of the Internet has become a basic need. Young people are on commercial platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc. Content can be posted, feedback picked up, commented on, liked or simply watched at any place and at any time.

But are we comfortable with having internet access everywhere and all the time? Are we comfortable with what we read, watch or listen to there? What does it take to feel digitally comfortable? Humans are adaptable creatures. What do we have to adapt in order to feel comfortable digitally?

Thesis: Feeling good digitally is possible. Pro and cons to the thesis are welcome. Please with arguments why it is possible or not. Perhaps also with ideas on how it could become possible.

An online discussion about Kialo Edu for students on the occasion of SID 2023, started by byte42.

Start: 02.02.2023 (9:00 am), end 10.02.2023 (10:00 pm).

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