Dealing with digital media at school age

Online parents' evening

Wednesday, 8th of February 2023

Stauffenbergstraße 4
04552 Borna

Target Group(s)


Digital evening for parents and educational professionals

Main topics:
- When is my child old enough for a cell phone?
- At what age should a child be able to go mobile on the Internet?
- How can I make cell phones safer?
- Are there filter programs for smartphones or tablets?
- Which apps are hot and what should I look out for in apps?
- Where do cost traps lurk?
- How can my child protect his or her data?
- Is my child addicted to cell phones?
- Can smartphones and tablets be used creatively?
- Stress in class chats - what should I do?
- Cyber bullying and hate on the net - what to do?
- How can parents accompany their children on the way to responsible and self-determined media use?

Lecturer: Dr. Iren Schulz

Further information: