Our two-year Master’s Program in Applied Physics (Degree: Master of Science) at the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen has been successfully accredited by the AQAS agency in September 2004. The course of study is application-oriented and places a focus on medical imaging, laser medicine and laser technology. The goal of the course is to educate experts in these application fields with a good theoretical background. This master program teaches the state-of-the-art methods of applied physics. The theoretical concepts of modern physics, advanced methods of experimental physics and selected tools of numerical mathematics constitute the basic framework of the program. These courses are compulsory for each student and make up one fourth of the complete program in terms of work load. Half of the program consists of elective courses, i.e. the students get the chance to choose six out of twelve courses that are offered, thus defining their own R&D focus. In the elective part of our Master program, strong emphasis is put on project work that is carried out in co-operation with industrial partners and research centres. The remaining fourth of the program is spent on preparing the Master’s Thesis. This final document should describe the solution for a current problem stemming from the field of applied physics and prove that the students are capable of working on their own responsibility.