Thanks for your interest in RheinAhrCampus Remagen. Your application will be processed by our admissions office.
Basic information on the admissions requirements for international students who obtained their university entrance qualifications outside Germany (e.g. High School Diploma, A Levels, Baccalaureat, Gaokao) is provided in our
list of application documents for international students.
Please note that you will have to provide evidence of your proficiency in German.
We look forward to welcoming you on campus!
There are binding application deadlines for degree courses with restricted admissions:
These deadlines are:
All relevant documents must be received by the deadline. Students with international qualifications (e.g. A Levels, High School Diploma, Baccalaureat, ...) need to send their application documents to UNI-ASSIST at least one month before this deadline so that their qualifications can be evaluated. Please be sure to follow the application instructions very carefully.The postmark will not be considered as evidence of punctual submission.
Applications for other degree programmes (B.Sc. in Biomathematics, Business Mathematics, Medical Engineering, Optics and Laser Engineering; M.A. in Business Administration; M.Sc. in Applied Physics, M.Sc. in Mathematics in Finance and Life Science) are possible until the opening day of the academic semester. However, students with international qualifications (cf. above) need to send their application documents to UNI-ASSIST at least one month before this deadline so that their qualifications can be evaluated. Please be sure to follow the application instructions very carefully. All relevant documents must be received by the deadline. The postmark will not be considered as evidence of punctual submission.
Please consult our FAQ page and use our contact form for any questions which are not answered on our website.
Please send your complete
application documents to:
Helmholtzstr. 2 – 9
D-10587 Berlin