Challenging but Rewarding

Challenging but Rewarding

Jumana from Jordan, Winter Semester 2016/17

My exchange semester in Remagen at RheinAhrCampus has impacted me greatly, as I have become a lot more open to new things and a world bigger than just my comfort zone. Responsibility, independence, and becoming who I really am, are three aspects I have noticed myself really grow in! My experience in Remagen was not all that easy. It was challenging at times but absolutely rewarding.

The highlight of the many experiences I have gained here was that I had the chance to be within a multi-cultural atmosphere. I dealt with other phenomenal exchange students from all around the world. I learned a lot from them. I also learned a lot about the German culture. I can say that this experience has impacted me in a lot of ways as I had to deal with all types of people, and find ways to overcome any hurdle that I face. Of the skills that I acquired and believe would be of assistance to me in my life are my communication and adaptability skills.

I've found that this student exchange semester has been a life-changing experience that has made me realize I can do so much more than I ever thought was possible. I have had a great experience, and I am looking forward to what comes next.

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