Just a Few Points about Life at RheinAhrCampus

Just a Few Points about Life at RheinAhrCampus

Kristina from Lithuania, Winter Semester 2013/2014

Just some points about life at RheiAhrCampus

Oh wow, this was crazy. Those 5 months passed by as quickly as an ICE train in a small station. Fortunately this was only the first chapter of my life in Germany – I am happy to announce that I am staying for the summer semester here as well!

I would like to just make some points what I liked most about this semester at RheinAhrCampus.

Bunch of new friends. Everybody knows that friendships become strong much faster for Erasmus students who are far away from their home. Yes, it was extremely hard to say goodbye in February to those who I will not see around for some time, but I can’t imagine us not keeping in touch and meeting many times in the future.

Luxurious little apartment in the dormitory. This was just awesome. My individual space, quiet neighbors, clean, bright-colored – just lovely!

Small classes, hands-on approach. I can tell you without crossing my fingers or being sarcastic that I enjoyed most of my classes. I had an opportunity to look at many subjects from a practical rather than theoretical point of view, and considering I did not have much of such an experience at my home university, I am very happy with learning outcomes and my personal view changes.

German beer and events at the campus providing some of it for free. No comments needed here.

Amazingly helpful people at Sprachen/Internationales team, especially Ms Korpp, who was dealing with my light-headed way of thinking and behaving in the most professional way possible.

Being a team player. Before my experience of Erasmus studies I would never have described myself as a team player and would have hardly ever chosen to do things with others when I could do it on my own. But here I learned that you must be a team member in order to achieve something. And it is much more fun doing it together: doesn’t matter if it is a project for some class or free time spent cooking your national food.

Adorable English-speaking German students using some (for me) lovely sounding phrases (I would never call it a mistake). I could not help but adopt some, such as “making party” when you mean celebrate or just party, or describing somebody sad and mean as “sour”.

Feeding birds in Freizeitpark Rheinaue. I will keep on doing that until those birds get obese and won’t take bread from me anymore.

Raffaelo taste ice cream at the ice cream shop in the center of Remagen. When I am asked if I think the traditional gelato I ate in Rome or Florence were the best I always think twice now.

And these are just my main ideas. I am sure I will be able to extend this list after 5 more months here.

Life in Remagen for me was nothing but pleasure and excitement so far.

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