Combining a short-term stay of CCU students in the Rhineland and a short-term stay of German students at Coastal, this Summer School Program offers the students of RheinAhrCampus, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and Coastal Carolina University a unique chance of experiencing academic life on the other side of the Atlantic.
The International Summer School Program is one out of many activities which help to put the transatlantic partnership between the states of Rhineland Palatinate and South Carolina into practice. One of the great advantages of this short-term exchange scheme is the reciprocity of the exchange which distinguishes this summer school program from many other summer schools offered at German and US universities. The sister state agreement also facilitates the semester exchange with Coastal Carolina University considerably.
The International Summer School Program has been offered on campus every year starting in 2002 - and its popularity with students has increased continually. One of the reasons why this short-term exchange is so successful is the fact that it may help students to determine whether a long-term study abroad period or an internship abroad might be a feasible option for them. In fact, many of the students who complete this program successfully embark on other study-related international activities at a later stage during their studies. Exchange at teaching staff level is another aspect of the cooperation activities.
Find out more!
Internal Communication Platform
Please visit the documentation of our past summer schools on the Internet! Some more reports compiled by Rheinbach and Remagen students are also available on the Hochschule BRS summer school site.
Gefördert durch den DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).
We gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (with funds provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research).