The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages in the Museum

From the Stone Age to the Roman city, from the Franks to the last Trier Elector – that’s possible in the museum. In 1 ½ or 2 hours, for pupils starting with grade 9.  

Thousands of Flowers and Patterns

This playful tour focuses on a colourful glass window and a large tapestry. Many lovely flowers and magnificent ornaments are hidden in them. After the tour, each child makes a small cloth bag inspired by these patterns. 

Altersstufe Pre school and first grade
Dauer ca. 60 min
Kosten 45 € tour plus 0,50 fee for material apiece.
Free admission for children of preschool age, otherwise 2,00 € admission per child,
2 chaperones free.

Maximum 15 participants 


Peasants, Townspeople, Bishops – Trier in the Middle Ages

The pupils go on an exciting journey into medieval Trier. On the way, they learn about the changes in the city from the Roman era to the late Middle Ages. They learn about important buildings and people and take on the role of famous people from Trier.  

Altersstufe Grade 5 bis 7
Dauer ca. 90 min
Kosten 70 € tour plus 2,00 € admission apiece,
2 chaperones free.