Learn English

Self-study English - Your online course

University members are offered a digital learning programme in the area of English as a foreign language here so that they can improve their language skills independently.

Click here for the online course

Programme winter semester 2022/23

The programme will be supplemented during the semester with further offers for learning English.

Current programme for members of staff

  • Do you teach in English and create materials in the language?
  • Do you intend to publish your research findings in international journals?
  • Do you communicate regularly in English with external contacts, and would like someone to check texts you produce in English?

Why not use us as a form of linguistic quality control? Simply get in touch via email: sprachen@hs-kl.de

The provision: Proof reading will focus on language used (we will check for issues with typos, false friends, syntax etc.). The formatting requirements specified by journals or publishers cannot be acommodated, and legally binding texts will only be read under the caveat of superficiality.

The format: Ideally, you would send us a Word document, in order to guarantee the quickest turnaround time - PDF files take longer to interact with. We are unlikely to be able to proof an entire article or chapter, but as a rule of thumb we will aim to provide you with feedback on ca. 2000 words.

The time frame: Our principle is "as soon as possible" - but turnaround time depends on factors such as length, complexity and format of a text, as well as staff commitments at the time. Please let us know the date by which you would require an annotated text back, and we will try our best to honour this.

The feedback: We will use the Review function in Word to add comments and track changes.

  • Do you teach/deliver content in English?
  • Are you planning to present your research at an international conference?
  • Do you regularly have admin contact with international students and need to use English as a lingua franca?
  • Would you like to work on a (several?) apsect of your communication in English?

If you have answered Yes to any of these questions, then individual Coaching might be just thing you are looking for!* Simply send us an email to start the process: sprachen@hs-kl.de

*You can also "book us" with one or two colleagues/friends as a small group (no more than four), of course!

You determine what you would like to focus on (possible scenarios include teaching, everyday interactions, fluency & pron, grammar of academic articles etc.), and we will discuss details such as how, how often and where the coaching will take place. A typical series of steps may be:

1. Preperatory chat: we discuss your needs, wants and requirements - ideally you would have a clear understanding of areas requiring attention in your use of the language (you can find links to self-access level tests in the Self-study Course!)

2. Contextual/Content analysis: depending on the area you have identified as requiring attention, this could be done by recording you delivering oral content on video, a (rather general) form of discourse analysis or a host of other forms of analysis

3. Feedback, training and measures to take: we come to an agreement on areas requiring the greatest focus and discuss measures to work on these

  • Are you looking to write and publish your research completely in English?
  • Do you conduct your teaching in English?
  • Would you like to be able to provide your students with language-based feedback on their English texts?

We are running a series of workshops that will focus on different aspects of Academic English - you can come to all of the workshops or simply select the one(s) you think would be most relevant to you!

Workshop 1: Hallmarks of Academic English

Workshop 2: Professional Lexis

Workshop 3: Professional Syntax/Grammar

Workshop 4: Telling your research story

Workshop 5: Oral English in an academic context 1 - general linguistic context

Workshop 6: Oral English in an academic context 2 - linguistic scaffolding

  • Do your regularly read and write emails in English, but would like to become more confident - in vocabulary and grammar?
  • Do you visit external contacts abroad and would like to be more prepared to deal with a variety of linguistic contexts?
  • Do you have frequent contact with international students and would like to take your intercultural communication skills to the next level?

Why not come along to one - or several - of the workshops listed below and gain more confidence:

Workshop 1: Written communication (emails)

Workshop 2: The challenges of using a lingua franca - creating clarity and recognising common "errors"

Workshop 3: Oral communication - face-to-face

Workshop 4: (Inter-)Cultural aspects of communication

Current programme for students

An English language forum, a relaxed chat among like-minded (and other-minded?) people, a chance to practice your Spoken English without any pressure: the SC offers this and more to all members of the UAS KL who are keen to dust down their oral English!

We meet every Tuesday, 4:30pm-6:00pm, in Zoom - once you sign up to one of the Speaking Clubs, you will receive the access data for the virtual room.

If you would like to register, please follow this link to OLAT.

Your language ability is not important - only that you are willing to speak to others in English.

Long time no English? You may need English in the future? You know about go-went-gone and remember what an adjective is - but that's about it? Or maybe you watch a lot of films in English, but have not used the language in any other way for a long time?

The Basic English programme aims to help you update - and ideally expand - your existing knowledge. And, in particular, to give you more confidence in using English actively.

Sign up for this training via OLAT , where you will also find further information about the programme.

This is the online version of the training. The in-person sessions take place on Wednesdays at Campus Zweibrücken.

Long time no English? You may need English in the future? You know about go-went-gone and remember what an adjective is - but that's about it? Or maybe you watch a lot of films in English, but have not used the language in any other way for a long time?

The Basic English programme aims to help you update - and ideally expand - your existing knowledge. And, in particular, to give you more confidence in using English actively.

Sign up for this training via OLAT , where you will also find further information about the programme.

These sessions will take place on Wednesdays at Campus Zweibrücken. If you cannot attend in person, you are free to enrol for the online version of the training, which takes place on Fridays via Zoom.

Your English is "not bad", but it could be better? Or perhaps you are looking ahead and are hoping to spend a semester studying abroad in the future? The Proficient English programme aims to make you more accurate, more fluent and more confident when using English.

Consider this training to be a useful step in raising your level beyond the "basic survival" stage!

Simply sign up via OLAT, where you will also find further infos about the programme.

This version of the training will take place in person at Campus Kammgarn. If you cannot make it to Kaiserslautern and would prefer to attend virtual sessions: these will run on Mondays.

Your English is "not bad", but it could be better? Or perhaps you are looking ahead and are hoping to spend a semester studying abroad in the future? The Proficient English programme aims to make you more accurate, more fluent and more confident when using English.

Consider this training to be a useful step in raising your level beyond the "basic survival" stage!

Simply sign up via OLAT, where you will also find further infos about the programme.

This version of the training will take place online via Zoom. If you would prefer to study in person at Campus Kammgarn: the programme will run here on Thursdays.