Werkstofftechnik Glas und Keramik: AG Feuerfest referierte auf dem 65. internationales Kolloquium für feuerfeste Materialien
Die Fachmesse ICR® 2022 bot zwei Tage lang die Möglichkeit, den rund 1.000 Besucherinnen und Besuchern aus der Feuerfestindustrie und Stahlindustrie die neuesten Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu zeigen.
Fachbeiträge und Poster vom WesterWaldCampus:
Alexandra Koch, M.Sc.: Growth and development of carbon nanotubes in cement bonded refractory materials
Juliane Paul, M.Eng.: The informative value of crucible tests for alkali corrosion in refractory castables
Lee Klein, M.Eng.: Research and development of new 3D printing technologies and adaptation of the contour-craft-ing process to refractories – Part I: Basics of the printing process and contour-crafting setup
Florian Holleyn, M.Eng.: Research and development of new 3D printing technologies and adaptation of the contour-craft-ing process to refractories –Part II: Castable development
Sinje Zimmer, M.Sc.: Research and development of new 3D printing technologies and adaptation of the contour-craft-ing process to refractories – Part III: In situ Raman spectroscopy of refractory castables
Bettina Noll, M.Eng.: Influence of deflocculants on the cement hydrate phase formation and their impact on the technological properties of CAC bonded castables.
Dr.-Ing. Ashish Pokhrel: Influence of composition and mixing process on the rheological properties of high alumina coarse dispersions for refractories
Johannes Kehren, M.Sc.: Quick indetification of Si-N-O Matrix Phases in Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide refractory materials by Raman Spectroscopy
Sinje Zimmer, M.Sc. (3. Platz Poster-Award): In situ study of mineral reactions during hydration of calcium aluminate cement (CAC)