Brochure "Digital Games Pedagogically Assessed
The city of Cologne has published a new edition of "Digitale Spiele pädagogisch beurteilt" in cooperation with Spieleratgeber-NRW and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The brochure aims to provide parents and educators with tips on how to use digital games sensibly, raise awareness of children's gaming behavior and inform them about current trends in video games.
In addition to age ratings and a professional view from media education, the opinions of children and young people are also included.
The brochure can be downloaded and ordered free of charge from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. More on the topic
- klicksafe topic Digital Games
- klicksafe article: Fortnite Battle Royale - Tips and information for parents
- klicksafe parent section: Digital games - tips for parents
- klicksafe quiz for young people: "Test your knowledge about games"
- Spielatgeber-NRW: Games assessed from an educational point ofview