Competence network against hate on the net launched
Four organizations have joined forces to form the new competence network against hate on the Net: Das Nettz,, Neue Deutsche Medienmacher and HateAid. The common goal of the new network is to become a central point of contact for all issues related to hate on the web. At yesterday's launch event, the new logo and the joint website were presented.
Advice and information
The network is to develop and qualify expertise on the topic of hate on the net for nationwide professional practice. It offers advice for people affected by digital violence, but also for educational professionals and systematically monitors hate on the net. The knowledge gained is made available to the public. The network also aims to promote international cooperation to combat hate speech on the Internet.
Hate on the net is also an attack on democracy
Hate on the net is a form of digital violence. It can manifest itself in taunts, the expression of derogatory attitudes, discriminatory and racist statements, and even death threats. Fear of hate makes many people less likely to express their opinions online. Studies show time and again that there is an increased need for awareness-raising, education, monitoring and advice on all issues related to hate online. The Youth Information Media (JIM 2021) study found that 58 percent of young people between the ages of twelve and 19 had been confronted with hate messages online during the survey period. Especially committed people are affected by hate on the net - that's why advice is important.
Source: Press release BMFSFJ 13.12.21
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