Download or order now free of chargeNew edition of "Digital Games - Pedagogically Judged" published
With the large selection of digital games, it is difficult for many parents to make up their own minds. Thus, most people base their choice of games on the USK age ratings. However, these age recommendations do not focus on educational aspects and the interaction risks of a game.
The brochure "Digitale Spiele - Pädagogisch beurteilt" ("Digital Games - Pedagogically Judged") by Spieleratgeber NRW is published by the Fachstelle Medienpädagogik und Jugendmedienschutz of the city of Cologne. It gives parents and interested parties an insight into the current games landscape. In addition to the pedagogical age ratings for the games, it contains supplementary information on interaction risks, such as chat options or user-generated content.
In the current issue, in addition to tests of around 80 new releases and editions, there are expert assessments on topics such as gaming influencers* or the trend of cloud gaming services.
You canorder and download the 32nd volume of the brochurefree of charge fromthe Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth .