New: Teaching materialHow reliable is ChatGPT?
Whether it's difficult math problems, book reviews, essays or papers - ChatGPT from the US company OpenAIuses generative AI to provide quick and supposedly accurate answers and solutions, even in everyday school life. The problem is that these have not been trained for truthfulness. The answers are therefore not error-free per se, sources are missing depending on the type of application of the chatbot or are not always serious. It is therefore all the more important to teach young people how to use chatbots like ChatGPT safely, to practice source criticism, to address disinformation, and thus to strengthen research and information literacy.
In our new klicksafe material, educational professionals receive a compact introduction to ChatGPT and the challenges that can come with using the chatbot. Five lesson examples provide suggestions for using AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT in the classroom and discussing them with children and young people.
The lesson examples have been made available to klicksafe with the kind permission of and slightly adapted.
The material is available now for free download available.
More information on the topic
- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - Educational hacks: Tips for AI in the classroom.
- Unterrichten.Digital - Artificial Intelligence (AI) / ChatGPT in School and Class - Overview, Tools and Training
- Senate Department for Education, Family and Youth Berlin - Recommendations for dealing with AI applications using the example of ChatGPT
- Ministry for School and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia - Dealing with text generating AI systems
- Teachtoday - Interactive learning module "Artificial Intelligence