"Digital - analog - hybrid?!" - Media Action Week for Safer Internet Day
Media Action Week
Friday to Saturday, 3rd to 11th of February 2023
Rhine road 43
55276 Oppenheim
Target Group(s)
Interested parties, multipliers
For over a week, everything will revolve around media at the Oppenheim Youth Center. "Digital - analog - hybrid?" is the motto, and from February 3 to 11, 2023, a variety of media workshops and hands-on activities for children, young people, parents, multipliers and interested parties will be held in cooperation with various partners.
The event kicks off on February 3: In the afternoon, children and young people can try out an exciting media course on the subject of games. From 7 p.m. onwards, it's "Film ab!" for a joint cinema evening for young people and interested parties, admission free.
Further highlights of the media action week
3.-10.2.2023: Media course "Games" in the student café and open meeting place of the youth center3
.2.2023, 19:00 - 22:00: Cinema evening on the topic "#OnlineAmLimit - your net. your life. your limits. "
6.2.2023, 16:00 - 17:00: Digital youth counseling via blu:APP7
2.2023, 19:00 - 20:30: Digital parents' info evening "Media in the children's room" via ZOOM8
.2.2023, 16:00 - 18:00: Virtual Reality in the youth room Selzen9
.2.2023, 15:00 - 18:00: Children's media workshop "Games - from analog to digital to hybrid" in the youth house10
2.2023, 18:30 - 21:00: Game Night in the youth house11
2.2023, 15:00 - 18:00: Parent-child play afternoon on the topic of "Media - from analog to digital to hybrid"
The media action week of the Oppenheim Youth House, which is sponsored by the Protestant Deanery of Ingelheim-Oppenheim, takes place in cooperation with the Mobile Youth Work Mittleres Selztal (Diakonisches Werk Rheinhessen), the Institute for Media and Pedagogy e.V. (medien.rlp.de), as well as on movie night with KommKi, the Kommunales Kino Rhein-Selz.
A detailed program overview as well as further supporters and sponsors can be found on the website of the youth center at www.jugendhaus-oppenheim.de from January 2023.
Further information: https://www.jugendhaus-oppenheim.de