Is my child addicted online?

Online action

Friday to Saturday, 3rd of February to 1st of July 2023

Mill dam 3
10178 Berlin

On the occasion of this year's Safer Internet Day on 07.02, which has the motto "#Online am Limit", Klaus Hinze, the chairman of the Federal Working Group for Child and Youth Protection, answers questions on the topic of "media addiction". As a parent, how do I recognize "media addiction" in children and young people? How can I distinguish an addiction from normal media consumption? And where can parents get help and support?

A video by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz Hamburg e.V. (ajs) and the Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz Landesarbeitsstelle Schleswig-Holstein in the series "Parents. Media. Answer."

From 07 February the video can be found at and at Eltern.Medien.Antworten

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