Consumption Challenge: How many posts did you see on social media today and how do you feel now? Share it with a meme. Howto? Check out our latest post.

Online action

Tuesday to Wednesday, 7th to 8th of February 2023

Neustadt passage 1
06122 Halle (Saale)

Target Group(s)

Young people
young people between 12 and 27 years

With this online campaign, we would like to encourage young people between the ages of 12 and 27

1. to reflect on their social media usage behavior and draw attention to digital stress.

2. encourage an active, conscious and creative use of social media, especially popular formats such as memes.

We make the call (title of the action) on 07.02. via our Instagram channel @tumult.halle. Users who see our Story can upload their meme directly. For this we use Instagram's interactive story sticker "It's your turn". Within 24 hours, all participants can see each other and the submissions in a kind of gallery.
If needed, they can also link to our post "Howto Memes" on @tumult.halle. There they will get tips on how to create memes, information on copyright and privacy laws, and an app recommendation.

Further information: