Visiting Lecturers at RheinAhrCampus

Internationalisation is one of the pillars of our view of academic education. Therefore we are always glad to welcome visiting lecturers to our institution. 

In the Faculty of Business and Social Management, the coordinators are

In the Faculty of Mathematics and Technology, the coordinators are

We will then try to match your ideas on what you can offer with our institutional framework to ensure that you will spend a rewarding time at our campus. 

In terms of accommodation and travel, please contact our Team Languages/International Affairs for support concerning appropriate arrangements.

You may wish to apply for funding?
The most important resources are:

  • ERASMUS+ (European Union plus partner countries)

Applications in July/August for the following academic year

  • DAAD Funding for Visiting Lecturers

Some mobility projects may be eligible for funding under one of the scholarships offered by the German Academic Exchange Service.

Please use the DAAD scholarship database in order to research the details.

  • University Funding

In some cases our institutions may pay a contribution towards the accommodation expenses. Early application is advisable. For practical reasons, direct payments to the hotel are more feasible than money transfer to foreign accounts.

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