
The GreenChallenge Program is the second sustainable product developed by our international team of GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus. It is a unique program for the Erasmus students, the goals of which are:

  • raising environmental awareness among students
  • exploring eco-friendly alternatives in everyday life
  • changing daily habits and becoming greener and healthier
  • bringing new developed habits to the home country of Erasmus students and sharing GreenErasmus ideas further

Podcast about the GreenChallenge

Listen to the episode. In this episode our guests attempted to take part in the GreenChallenge – the experiment where everyone spent 4 days adapting to the green lifestyle: cutting meat, plastic and streaming out from their daily routine.


Download the GreenChallenge-Program by GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus and develop new sustainable lifestyle with your international friends!

Check out the experiences of GreenChallenge participants from around 15 different countries: 

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