Spanish Preparatory Course

Spanish Preparatory Course

Course Title: Spanish - Preparatory Course
Lecturer: Araceli Gonzalez Miranda

General Information

Contact hours: 30 hrs
Individual study: 30 hrs
Prerequisites: n/a

This course aims to prepare students at beginner's level for the successful participation in the Business Spanish courses offered in the Faculty of Business and Social Management. 

The focus is on the five core areas of listening and reading comprehension, written and oral communication and intercultural awareness. However,  a special emphasis is placed on vocabulary and communicative skills for business contexts. Strategies for the active use of self-access learning resources and self-instruction in our  language lab and in small groups are also introduced. 

In various units the following communicative skills are focused on:
• recognising and applying basic structures of the Spanish language
• analysing linguistic situations from the business world
• dealing with specific fields of lexis and useful phrases/idioms
• exercises and role plays

Students at beginner's level may register for the course. The course counts as a prerequite for Business Spanish I if the students' performance in the Spanish Placement Test  indicates a need for intensive basic skills practice.

Set Book
- Mirada aktuell, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, by Nieves Castells Fernández, M. Lohmann, Lidia Santiso Saco, Ismaning: Hueber  2001. [ISBN 3-19-004218-7]
- Handouts with Materials on Business Spanish

Generic skills imparted
• Teamwork skills, presentation techniques, analysis of linguistic structures.
• Considerate use of new media

Assessed Work
As this is a preparatory course, the final grade does not count towards the bachelor's degrees offered at our university. However, continuous assessment is conducted for feedback purposes. Students who attain a final score of at least 50% meet the prerequisites of Business Spanish I.

Successful participants may be provided with a certificate ("Teilnahmeschein") for credit transfer purposes.

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