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Co-creating a counselling method for refugee women GBV victims (CCM-GBV) 


Since 2015, SOLWODI has increasingly been approached by social workers working with refugees that asked for help in cases in which refugee women have suffered gender-specific violence.


This situation not only affects SOLWODI, but also many other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) within the European Union. Therefore, SOLWODI launched the project "Co-creating a counselling method for refugee women GBV victims" (CCM-GBV) together with other European partners. During the two-year project (November 2017 - October 2019), refugee women in countries of the main refugee routes will be informed about their rights, supported and encouraged to report their experience of violence, while at the same time a special counselling method is developed. You can also visit our project facebook page "EU Ccm-Gbv Project" for more information.


Project partners are the Italian Refugee Council (CIR) (Italy), the Greek Refugee Council (GRC) (Greece), G.I.R.A.F.F.A. onlus (Giraffa) (Italy), the Cyprus Refugee Council (CY.R.C.) (Cyprus), Suomen Setlementtiliitto (Setlement) (Finland) and the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) (Croatia). The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), supports the monitoring and evaluation of the project. The European Network of Migrant Women (Brussels) helps to organise an EU expert meeting. The project is co-financed by the EU Directorate-General for Justice under the EU programme "Rights, Equality and Citizenship" (2014 - 2020).


For further questions about the project please contact, Anja Wells (project coordinator)



This project is co-financed by the EU programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020). SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. is solely responsible for the contents and can in no way be regarded as a view of the European Union.

Handbook on counselling asylum seeking and refugee women victims of gender-based violence

English (EN) - Deutsch (DE) - Finnish (FI) - Greek (EL) - Italian (IT) - Croatian (HR)


Training Manual  - gender-based violence against refugee  asylum-seeking women:

English (EN) - Deutsch (DE) - Finnish (FI) - Greek (EL) - Italian (IT) - Croatian (HR)


HEUNI Report series 91 - UNSEEN VICTIMS - Why Refugee Women Victims of Gender-Based

                                                                              Violence Do Not Receive Assistance in the EU


CCM-GBV outcomes (HEUNI)


- Power Point Brussels 17.09.2019_SOLWODI

- Power Point Brussels 17.09.2019_HEUNI

- Live Stream


Pressemeldung vom 11.12.2017





30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 09. 2024


05. 10. 2024