SOLWODI Rhineland-Palatinate - Counseling Center Mainz
If you have questions, need someone to talk to, don't know what to do, please contact us at:
06131 / 678069 oder
0151 / 70035322 oder
0151 / 58103173
Together we will find a solution or other helpers, ideas on how to continue.
We are also available to teachers, friends, parents, and neighbors. As an NGO we work discreetly and free of charge for those affected.
Focus of Work:
- Experiences of violence, questions about residence, separation wishes and contact search
- Support with authorities and filling out forms
- Search for doctors, therapists, lawyers, child care and schools
- Forced marriage, threat of honor killing
- Human trafficking, exit, prostitute protection law ...
Even difficult paths begin with the first step! Nobody can do it all alone,
Of course we are also open to exchange with colleagues, ready for collegial consultation or present our work in teams, school classes or interested groups.