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Online-shopping and doing something good!


Do you shop via Internet?


Then, you can support SOLWODI.


Access, choose „SOLWODI“ as supported institution and then click on your desired online-shop, where you can shop as usual.


The webshop is going to issue a commission via „“ to SOLWODI.  You are not going to pay one more cent for your purchase and additionally, you may be eligible for customer rebates.


For you, it means only a few additional clicks; for the women and children cared for by SOLWODI, it means the opportunity for a better life, free of violence.


SOLWODI is also represented in other purchasing portals.


If you have questions, please contact us:

or 0049-261-889 772-0


Thank you so much for your support!



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 09. 2024


05. 10. 2024