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Would you like to know more about SOLWODI?


Do you want to inform your town, your club or your association about special issues, like for example human trafficking?


Do you want to call attention to the loverboy-methode at your school?


We'll gladly visit you and report during a presentation or an information event about these issues and our engagement for foreign women in Germany, who have experienced distress and violence.


Thank you very much for your interest in our work!


Your contact person at SOLWODI:


Dr. Maria Decker
SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
Viktoriastraße 32-36
56068 Koblenz
Tel. 0049-261-889 772-0



Thank you very much for your interest in our work!



30 Jahre SOLWODI Deutschland 1987 bis 2017 -

30 Jahre Solidarität mit Frauen in Not in Deutschland


Autorinnen: Sr. Dr. Lea Ackermann / Dr. Barbara Koelges / Sr. Annemarie Pitzl



Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 09. 2024


05. 10. 2024