Breathtaking Experience at RAC

Breathtaking Experience at RAC

Marcelo from Brazil, Summer Semester 2019

I am Marcelo Vitorino, I’m 20 years old and I’m from Brazil. Studying abroad for me was a challenge. Firstly because It was my first time outside Brazil and also because It was my first time living alone without my parents. In my first day in Germany I had many questions for example how to buy water and to know other products in Germany.

Studying in RheinAhrCampus gave me the opportunity to experience and get in contact with other students from different countries, in my first weekend in Germany I had a great excursion to a typical German city and I found it fantastic.

During the semester I experienced studying in courses with both exchange students and also german students, and It gave me the chance to get in contact with german people and take off some stereotypes about germans which I had before study in RheinAhrCampus, for example, but the german students are very friendly and it is easy to start a conversation with them, I really enjoyed it.

The professors in all the courses in RAC were always motivating me to be participative during the classes, writing minutes, holding presentations, asking questions. It was very important to improve my languages skills and getting a better student. During the Learning Organization course, we had the opportunity to do excursions and one of that was to an excursion to a company, there I got to know about the process and about the style of leadership of the company, it was a really good experience which I will take intoconsederation for my future work life.

During the semester I realized activities on a Academic Internship, there I worked together with professors and participate of activities to manage online platforms like OLAT, and also being a course assistant in one of the classes. I also had experiences of photoshop and it found it very nice. I will recommended to all of my friends come and be these experiences too because it is unforgettable.


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