My first semester in a foreign country

Irakli from Georgia, Winter Semester 2020/2021

Hello to whoever is reading this! My name is Irakli and I am from Georgia. Here I would like to share the story of my semester abroad. It was the first time I went to a foreign country, and I did not really know what to expect. I was not sure if I would be able to keep up with studying abroad, and if my English was even good enough. I remember everything seemed very strange to me at first. I was not used to such buildings or big train stations, also the supermarkets were pretty unusual for me. For example, I could not figure out where the prices of products were written. Despite that, I got used to everything pretty fast without many difficulties, and now those problems seem funny to me.
Without a doubt the best part of this exchange program was meeting other international students. It was always much fun to interact with them, discuss our cultures and somehow find similarities. For example, I found out that Georgians and Albanians have very similar way of making an alcoholic drink so-called “chacha” in Georgian and “araki” in Albanian. Talking to people of other nationalities also helped me to better understand other perspectives. My attitude about some things has certainly changed, and now I feel more confident with my thoughts. I also have friends throughout the world now, who will be happy to meet me one day. 
During my stay, Corona restrictions got very serious. We were not allowed to leave our land and go traveling Europe. However, we still managed to see such German cities like Bonn, Cologne and Koblenz, which were close to the town Remagen where I lived. I got also lucky to see Brühl castle and its beautiful garden.  Maybe it is not a huge list of places but every single one was very pretty and had a very interesting history. Furthermore, because it was only a few places, I managed to view everything more preciously and deeply. I am glad I could see it myself and share it now with you. 
It is a pity that we could not do a lot of things because of Corona restrictions, though my friends and I still managed to get the best out of this semester. We would hang out as often as we could and play a lot of games together. Most famous must be beer pong, which will test your aiming and liver. We also went on excursions in beautiful wine fields where we got to experience nature at its most colorful time, autumn. Besides, student interns at RheinAhrCampus would always organize great and fun activities such as Pub Quiz, Secret Santa, and many more.
This exchange also taught me how to leave alone and be more independent. In my country students at my age mostly still live with their parents, me included. So, to be alone in a foreign country without any experience was a great and very useful challenge. I feel this made me a more confident person, and the skills I learned here will help me throughout my life. 
At last, I would like to sum everything up by saying that this was a great experience that I would suggest to anyone. You may have some doubts and some things may seem scary but I am sure that anyone that will come here will have a time of their life. People who work here are very friendly and they will help you out with everything. In addition, you will keep one of the best memories for the rest of your life. I know I will. 


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