Rewarding Experience in RheinAhrCampus

Rewarding Experience in RheinAhrCampus

Yonatan from Eriteria, Winter Semester 2014/15

Now that I have finished an exchange semester at RheinAhrCampus, I can say it was a rewarding experience. Life as an exchange student has been highlighted by friendships with both international students and German students in the university, especially at the campus dorms. Remagen, with its beautiful scenery and calm has also been ideal for study and concentration.  A series of holidays and events that came one after the other made the short cold days of winter bearable. October Fests, Christmas markets, Carnivals all have added color to my experience.  The proximity of the cities of Koblenz, Bonn and Cologne also gave all of us the choice of change of scenery and some noise when needed.

I have taken part in different courses and trainings that other international students found rewarding as well. One of those was the Managing Cultural Diversity seminar where participants from different countries attended. Courses in Intercultural Communication and International Business Simulations were also part of the package that I found interesting especially in creating forums for creating discussions about cultural differences and settings that arise in business contexts.

The classroom experience extended to the activities of guided tours and international dinners that we took part both in the university and the nearby cities. Taking part in a German course has also made daily life smoother as I am now able to initiate simple conversation and get across ordinary situations.

A remarkable impression that strikes me about RAC is the wonderful community and the warm attitude that is around. The support and guidance I received from Sprachen / Internationales office before my arrival, especially from Frau Adelheid Korpp, was outstanding.  From the day I set foot in Remagen, there was always someone willing to assist and provide guidance. I would like to thank the Sprachen / Internationales team for all their support. The community in the university has been so kind in making our stay here comfortable including the kind ladies at the Mensa (canteen) who make my day with their generous smile while serving lunch, with the wonderful "Suppe" and their polite hospitality.

Living in Remagen has also been interesting due to the fact that the city has an important history that was crucial to the second World War. I feel lucky to live just a ten minute walk away from the Bridge of Remagen, a monument that stands as a living testimony of the devastation of the war and sacrifices made for peace.

Most of all, I will miss the wonderful friends I made here. It was so emotional to say goodbye to Anita from Switzerland, Javier from Spain and Aya from Jordan who have left this month. I am still grateful for having the ones still around, and I look forward to the upcoming students as well.

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